bug-off pest control

Bug-off pest control

Live in a pest free environment in port charlotte

You may not think that pests are a big deal, but they can cause major damage to your home. The good news is that you don’t have to live in an infested environment any longer! Bug Off Pest provides pest control services for residential and commercial customers here in Charlotte County Florida. Our friendly technicians will come out and inspect your property to identify where the problem areas are located then provide treatment so you can finally enjoy living in a pest free environment again! Give Bug Off Pest a try Your local Charlotte County Exterminator.

Cigarette Beetle

These beetles are a pantry pest infesting whole grains and even spices.this beetle is about the size of a piece of pepper. Many times these pests are introduced into your home or business by being transported in foods from the grocery stores. Take note when shopping for rice and pasta/grains you will often notice the product has a viewing window in the package/box. This is for the stores and food producers to monitor their stock for beetle and other types of food infestation. Bug Off Pest recommends that any of your grain and spices or any grain based products and spices be placed in airtight containers to isolate outbreaks and prevent emptying your pantries completely and incur costly treatment to get rid of them.

bug-off pest control

professional pest control charlotte county

Beetle control and identification is crucial in subtropical climate. Port Charlotte and Southwest Florida have a lot of soft and hardwoods for these guy to infest and the last thing you need is to have these eating your home or business. Many times they are overlooked or not properly identified. Most people don't think about these pests, it is generally the termite that steals the spotlight. Here at Bug Off Pest we focus our efforts and consider all options when identifying pests in your structure. Beetles not only infest wood, they can also be found in Food/Dry-Goods, in the form of pantry pests.

Tropical smoothe-headed

These termites can be found in the peninsular Florida nesting forgaging inside dry woods but they are uncommon in structures. They are a whitish tan and small in size this termite swarms year around but more specifically in the springtime evenings. Tropical termites have a smooth, brown, rectangular head with black mandibles along with a large cavity in the front of the head.

Drywood termite (Calcaritermes nearctius)

Yet another non structural threatening drywood termite found in central to northern Florida, southeastern Georgia nesting and foraging inside of dry woods they are light brown in color and small in appearance swarming from March to May.

Dark southern drywood termite

This termite can be found in central, western and northern Florida nesting, foraging in drywood but rare in structures they have a light cream to yellowish color and are small in size with a rectangular head and strong black mandibles. these termites swarm from September to November during the daytime